יום חמישי, 5 ביולי 2012

A guide to the perfect treat painful Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids: A guide to the perfect treat painful piles.

What are the signs of painful hemorrhoids? how to treat hemorrhoids and how can you avoid this trouble? What is it fissure and how fistula is created? All you need to know and was not nice to ask you. Read here what causes hemorrhoids but in this article will list the points briefly.


Piles (Hemorrhoids) are veins near the anus, some reasons may swell, expand, stretch up to exit out of the anus. Hemorrhoids can bleed and be quite painful. Only someone who has experienced pain in hemorrhoids or anal crack, can appreciate a soft and easy exit.

What is the role of veins in the anus?
Hemroids role of veins around the anus is not clear. One assumption is that they help the goalkeeper (sphincter closes the anus) to prevent an involuntary escape of faeces.

How do you know there is a problem of hemorrhoids?
Usually the first sign of fresh bleeding on a stool, on toilet paper or toilet. Sometimes accompanied by discomfort, itching or anal pain, especially during defecation. Sometimes just touching protrusion from the anus, which can hurt.

Hemorrhoids are themselves? You should ignore?
Not all rectal bleeding indicate hemorrhoids, so this bleeding requires investigation. We must not ignore this phenomenon and report to the family doctor, who will decide whether to refer for additional clarification. Colon cancer also may result in bleeding, and although he characterizes the later ages, it may also occur at a young age. So there is room for a doctor, if you see bleeding from the anus.

What is hemorrhoid disease?
Blood vessels in the last section of the colon and rectum, called vascular Hthuriim they are in all of us. Just that for our part in these blood vessels are abnormal and cause pain and suffering. Most of the problems associated with hemorrhoids arise from the expansion of the veins in the anus. This expansion leads to bleeding, itching, discharge or severe pain, when a blood clot in one or more hemorrhoids.

Are there different grades of severity disease hemorrhoids?
The main division is between the external hemorrhoidal (rectal wall protrusion) and the internal hemorrhoids, lower part of the rectum (rectum). All the pain caused by anal fissure created (fissure), caused by hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are inside the rectum and colon are covered with mucous membrane, which is poor in nerve cells. While this makes them less painful, but they tend to bleed more. External hemorrhoids, names, external anus and wrapped in skin tissue of the anus, rich in nerve cells. Therefore are more painful. Hemorrhoids are divided into four grades of severity:

• Internal hemorrhoids do not detectable.
• Hemorrhoids who go out from the anus during the exit and go alone.
• Hemorrhoids who leave and not come alone and have to push them through.
• hemorrhoids come out and can not get them.

Hemorrhoids can bleed any severity, but the pain characteristics especially the fourth stage.

Are Hemorrhoids is a common problem?
According to various estimates, the industrialized countries, about half of people over age 50 suffer from symptomatic hemorrhoids. In the United States, for example, third of the population suffers from hemorrhoids to some extent.
In contrast, only a minority of the population in Africa ever heard of hemorrhoidal disease.

For most people begin to develop hemorrhoids in their 20s, but the symptoms are not significant until the fourth decade of life. Hemorrhoids are more common among women. Perhaps this stems from the pregnancies and births, creating increased pressure on the rectum and anus.

What causes hemorrhoids?
It is often said that people with a tendency to constipation, pelvic pressure (such as pregnancy) or those who stand long hours, will hemorrhoids. However, this does not explain all of these regular and soft their ports, or pregnant women, who suffer the onset of early pregnancy hemorrhoids. Here are 10 reasons why hemorrhoids disease:

Departure time effort (if there is constipation)

Blood volume goes up and progesterone weakens the muscles, liver and uterus pressure on the lower vena cava lying on your back.

Vein hypertension, liver
Liver vein drains the hemorrhoids. Hypertension is blood vessels, can be induced cirrhosis (Tzmkt liver disease caused by various reasons, such as different types of hepatitis, alcoholism and causes destruction of liver Thai).

Strenuous physical activity

State of mental stress (stress)

 Significant heart failure
Heart failure may increase hemorrhoids because of the drainage problem venous blood. Heart to pump the blood veins in the back. If he fails and is unable to pump blood, the pressure in the veins rises and among other things can cause swelling of the veins in the anus, transformed into hemorrhoids.

Lack of exercise
Lack of movement and vigorous blood flow to all parts of the body and the periphery, increases the risk of hemorrhoids.

Heredity and age
With advancing age, the greater the chances hemorrhoids prolapse. Causes can be a weakness, loss of muscle tone and / or a tendency to constipation due to changes in metabolism and / or use of drugs.

Effort increases the intra-abdominal pressure
All intra-abdominal pressure, such as coughing or vomiting, creates pressure on veins in which blood pressure is usually very low, and the pressure stops the flow.

Overweight people are more likely to get hemorrhoids.

Is good nutrition can help prevent problems of hemorrhoids?
Association between high fiber diet and less likely to suffer hemorrhoids. This relationship is based, in part, the high incidence of the problem in Western countries compared to the low prevalence in Africa.

What did it feel when hemorrhoids?
Common complaints among individuals with hemorrhoids are painful, much mucus, bleeding of fresh blood after exit and prominence of the mass from the anus after hard stools. Among young people can often diagnose hemorrhoids according to the description. In older adults, there may be another disease of the colon and therefore may need more extensive tests.

How do you know that hemorrhoids?
The diagnosis is usually simple: looking for a hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids. If external hemorrhoids, is direct observation. If they are internal, the observation is made using Anoskof, which is a plastic cylinder-shaped, extending slightly into the anus.

How are hemorrhoids?
Treatment is primarily preventive behavior and in some cases there is a sharp and immediate treatment. Every grandmother can tell of the Exodus from a variety of methods and regular soft ": paraffin oil or olive oil, prune juice or a tablespoon of bran every morning, drinking a lot or yogurt one, anything goes as long as the port is softening. Of course the best thing is a permanent change in the diet: Eating lots of fruits and vegetables.

That too much bran-based foods, and avoiding spicy foods or alcohol, make it easy to port and thereby reduce pain.

And if my hemorrhoids have been sitting tight?
In such cases there is a variety of methods for relief:

• anesthetic creams containing a local anesthetic. These creams also create local protection layer, the sliding excrement on them, and does not come into direct contact with inflamed hemorrhoids. These creams also contain chemicals that shrink the swollen hemorrhoids, healing and restoring skin tissue thus obtained relief burning and itching.

• Bath seat.

• Using a bidet.

• Use manually using the shower head stretched.

• washing the anal area anal area several times a day.

• Applying a cold pack.

• local analgesics.

• Prevention of postures that create local pressure, improved posture and muscle tone (tone) in the pelvis.

• Drinking fluids facilitates the evacuation of multiple stool and reduces pain.

And when all these methods do not help against hemorrhoids?
There are also several invasive treatments, in cases that do not work out routine treatments:

• healing power (Electrotherapy): uptake of swollen blood vessels using electrical current. This treatment is considered effective and not painful.

• Expanding the muscle of the rectum (Dilation): this treatment often effective but is unpopular because of unwanted side effects.

• swollen veins atrophy using rubber band ligation. After several weeks, degenerating blood vessels with feces excreted naturally. This treatment does not involve surgery and is relatively common.

• swollen veins atrophy through rocky ground (Sclerotherapy): injection of vascular degeneration factor (also used to treat varicose veins, varicose veins in the legs).

• Burn the damaged blood vessels laser or infrared radiation.

What does complementary medicine to treat hemorrhoids?
You can use different natural preparations that strengthen the blood vessels (such as Horse Chestnut and Butcher's Broom), preparations that prevent irritation and swelling (such as juice extracted from aloe vera plant), and preparations shrink blood vessels. In addition, Chinese medicine treatments are effective and reduce the irritation. Some recommend the squat during the Exodus needs. Have known hemorrhoids can be cured, if you have the correct information and you start to treat them early.

If any of these patents did not help?
If all attempts have failed, it may be time to analyze surgical removal of hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoidectomy). Most surgeries are performed to treat hemorrhoids regional anesthesia, and most cases are released from the hospital the same day or next day. Typically, recovery from surgery lasts for several days, which is very important for analgesics and aggressive exit softeners (a generous amount of paraffin oil).

Is surgical removal of hemorrhoids avoids trouble to win?
No. Even if you had surgery, there is still a chance you meet or will meet again or proctologist proctology analyzed you, though chances are smaller than one who has not analyzed.

What is anal fissure?
Like hemorrhoids, anal also crack (fissure) is considered a minor problem and clinically negligible, and that in stark contrast to the suffering it causes. Fissure is minimal mucosal tissue injury surrounding the anus, a scratch along the rectum. Because tissue rich in nerve cells, the injury causes severe pain on each port. Because of the pain, many people avoid going to the bathroom so begins a vicious cycle of pain, leading to constipation, hard on the pain the next exit.

How do you know that fissure?
The complaints are mostly about pain during the exit and the appearance of a line of fresh blood on toilet paper after those expenditures trauma. The crack can be diagnosed by looking at the anus without having to perform invasive testing.

How are anal fissures?
Trying to break the cycle by softening of the ports with aggressive Eating lots of fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber, drinking plenty of fluids and sitz baths of hot water. You can also use topical analgesic anal, cream or better, candles (Frooktogalivenol, Frooktozorin and their friends) Most people, this treatment enough. Also need patience. Healing may take several weeks.

If not cured?
So you can try topical creams to cure muscle barn (Nifdifin cream, which requires a doctor's prescription) if this treatment does not help, there are several anal relaxation operations.

Due to the problematic position of the anal area, rich fecal bacteria on the one hand, and poor blood supply on the other hand, inflammatory processes in the region may not heal easily and become an abscess, a sac of pus that can be treated with antibiotics and must be surgically drained.

What are the symptoms? How do I know this is an abscess?
Symptoms include sudden appearance of rectal pain that accompanies a rise in body temperature above 38 degrees and in addition, there is a focus of pain around the anus that raises suspicion of an inflammatory process sub - dermal region. Accompanied by a rise in body temperature often Btzmror and general malaise.

What do you do?
Turn to the doctor or family doctor to examine antibiotic treatment and consider a resolution regarding drainage.

What is a fistula?
After surgery to drain an abscess in the anus, often a situation of slow secretion and chronic pus, very troubling and staining the underwear for months and sometimes years. This situation is caused when the fistula is created (locked) in the anus. Treatment is primarily surgical: go short under regional analysis. Length of hospitalization is about one day, and recovery is a few days.

Finally, before you are going into the the hemroids treatment world remember the known Jewish proverb: "Knowing the disease is half of cure".

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